Sunday, December 30, 2007

Back to Chicago... and Shedd Aquarium

We spent the afternoon yesterday at Shedd Aquarium right on Lake Michigan. We saw some amazing creatures including this HUGE crab, pacific dolphins, beluga whales, penguins, sharks, tropical fish, a bunch of different fresh waters fish and lizards, and a 7' foot long komodo dragon.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Forecast: Hi of 31 and 100% chance of snow

The snow started right on time at 9 am and we made our way to our 10:30 snowboarding class while it continued to fly. Below our instructor helps Brian learn to use the heel edge of the board to stop. And Brian and I stand by the tow rope before we make our own down the hill. Brian's take on snowboarding: "It's harder than I thought!" My take on snowboarding: There are many muscles in my body which have laid dormant and unused until this very day. And now they have been pushed past exhaustion to complete spaghettification.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Hello from Winterville, USA

Our first afternoon: we took the train to the bus to the Lincoln Park Zoo. Here Brian stands on a frozen lake where we watched the geese land and butt-skate to a stop : )
Yesterday we got our rental car and drove into Wisconsin where there is plenty of snow to go tubing on Sunburst Hill. We were having a great time ...

until Brian bounced off his tube half way down the hill and landed on his face : ( He's got scrapes down the left side of his face and his eye is swollen shut. The Ski Patrol people were very nice and bandaged him up. So we're having a quiet day today and will see Jackie's cousin Paul and Aunt Eddie and Uncle Mary. Tomorrow we take a snowboarding lesson... on the baby hill.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Our Recent Guest

A friend of mine at work let us Tarantula-sit for "Gabriela" the other day and wow-- what an interesting creature! Her little feet felt like a combination between a tiny sticky pad and a little hook, and she spun a silk thread that looked like smoke snaking through the air. Cool!

Friday, November 30, 2007

The Tree is Up

This is an ornament with one of my favorite pictures of Patrick and Brian in it. I try to make at least one ornament each year with a family picture, or a picture of the boys.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Aviary: population 9

These three little guys are all between 13 and 17 days old and are from Sunshine's second clutch of eggs. The two bigger ones are favoring their Mom with mostly yellow feathers so far. In about two weeks they'll be ready to leave the nest.

Friday, November 23, 2007


I love these pictures. I was going through an old SD card and found them. They're from last year when we bought plants which included catipillars and watched them every day as they crunched through leaves, grew bigger and then finally transformed inside the chrysalis. This one is resting on Brian's arm before we took it out to the front yard where it stayed for a few minutes and fluttered away.


Is that most most pitiful little creature you've ever seen? This is one of the three baby parakeets which have hatched in the past two weeks. This one is one day old in this picture. So ugly and so precious.

It had to happen some time...

Well, I personally think she's got a lot of nerve doing something like this but my beloved Niecie has gone and growed up bigger than me! Only 14 years old and she's so proud. But look at me as I smile through the pain of attempting to simultaneously suck in my stomach and stand up tall. That takes effort, people.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Craziness in the camper

Who said we have to participate in the whole gravity thing? And the best part of waking up: stealing Mumma's coffee!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Amusement Park 2

This is a ride which will lift us up 125 feet into the air and then plummet us back to Earth with a zero G, Ooops-do-I-still-possess-a-stomach sensation. That's the whole point, right?

Friday, November 9, 2007

Amusement Park

Roller coasters, animals and babes on waterskiis --what more does one need?

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Isn't that inviting? There is no way to spin it: we have a small colony of little gray rats living under our jacuzzi. When we removed the paneling around it the other day we were greeted with not only the unmistakable scent of a barnyard soaked in animal pee, but also the location of every toy and small article of clothing which has vanished from our back porch. Snoopy (Beagle Emeritus) looked at us with pity and an expression that said, "Ummm... DUH!! I've been trying to tell you about them for months!" The rats have dined upon electrical wires and pulverized insulation to plump up their nest. Their main source of food has been the millet stalks we feed the parakeets. Brian and Jackie had the population count at eight the first day. Eight. Well, it must be down to seven because today we evicted Numero Uno:

Monday, October 29, 2007

And then there were.... more?

Over the past week Sunshine has laid four eggs and spends most of her time keeping them cozy and warm. We checked the first three and they don't seem to have been fertilized, but we'll keep an eye on them...

Happy Halloween!

We had a little Halloween party at the house this weekend with Carolyn, Christopher, Jules and PJ. For dessert we had Jello brains and dirty worms--- yum!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Newest members of the flock

This is Snowbell and Sparkle-- our two new parakeets who bring the aviary population up to six. Patrick picked out and named Snowbell and she (?) is a total albino with pink eyes. Brian picked out and named Sparkle and she (again, gender isn't easy to tell at their age) is a light powder blue with a faint yellow head. It took the birds just a couple of days to get accustomed to the gang. Their wings were clipped at the store so they crawl up the walls to get to the branches but you can see how they watch the other birds flying around that they want to, too ; )

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Build it and they will fly...

We decided it would be really nice to build an aviary for our parakeets so they would have room to fly around. It turned out to be a great project: the boys learned to measure, saw, hammer and use a staple gun.

And finally we let the parakeets go in their new home. They are very happy there!

Garden '07

We had our first vegetable garden two years ago and we've decided to give it another try this year. We went to the nursery and got tomatoes, eggplant, sweet potatoes, and romaine lettuce already sprouted. We planted two rows of seeds for sweet peas and you can see they're coming up already. Brian demonstrates here how to water the new garden using the rocket-spray water toy-- works very nicely.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Welcome to the Library

We've done a lot of cleaning up and re-arranging lately and this has turned out to be a really comfortable room. With the two windows there is a lot of natural light for reading and drawing. Bri is on the left reading a book in the big bean bag chair.

This is Jackie's muse /reading lamp which spoke to her from an aisle at Home Depot. She appears to be a representation of a fabulous Hawaiian babe and she will provide a lovely overhead light.

Monday, July 30, 2007

The newest addition to the zoo

This is 'Punk', our four month-old guinea pig we adopted a couple of weeks ago as a companion for 'Tom'. He's been a bit skittish in their cage but likes to be held and is crazy about carrots.

Monday, July 23, 2007


Back home where we admire our handsome boys and their understated sense of style ; )

Wii are also kooky

While Patrick bowls Brian enjoys the consumption of radioactive candy:

Wii think we're sporty

Patrick gears up to throw a strike--- check out his form...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Beating Mommie is a lot of fun!