Sunday, December 28, 2008

Kira Kitty

This year we said Goodbye to Kira who was a shy sweetie of a cat and loved to be petted. She was 15 years old.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Home improvement

This is our new impact-glass front door we had installed last month, along with windows for five other rooms. Hurricane season will be a lot easier on us knowing we (and when I say "we" I mean Jackie) won't have to put up shutters for every storm that looms on the horizon. It's also nice because it lets a lot of light into our living room. Plus it allows our little neighborhood friend, Angel Kitty, let us know when it's time to serve up supper. Future home improvements include dealing with that ugly rug she's sitting on.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Homeschool Project

We were at watching some educational videos when we found some about all the systems of the body. Brian was inspired to do a project where we traced the outline of his body on a big sheet of butcher paper and then drew in and labeled the major body systems. It came out pretty neat:

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Today Danny Gregory's new book An Illustrated Life arrived in the mail from Amazon!

I love his work and this new book is a compilation of work from sketchbooks of 50 different artists and illustrators. Good stuff!! So I was showing Brian and his friend PJ some of the drawings and it got them inspired to draw themselves:

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Tree Is Up

We'll see about that....

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sebastian Inlet

We took a (real) quick trip up to Sebastian Inlet to enjoy the beautiful weather, fish and check out a couple of campgrounds for our New Year's camping trip.

Christopher, Brian and Patrick standing on the dock at Capt. Hiram's where we had eaten the night before. It's a great place right on the water with a live band and a sand dance floor : )

Hardcore fishermen... um, yeah.

We saw a dolphin cruising along here in the Indian River. Beautiful!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sailing at Tigertail Lake

Today was a beautiful day-- cool and breezy--- and we went sailing for the first time!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Taverna OPA!! Once again the site of birthday celebrations--- my big 4-0 !

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Nature Center

We went out to west Davie to the Long Key Nature Center to learn about the wetland ecosystem which is so important here in south Florida and about the native people (Tequesta and then Seminole tribes) who lived on the Long Key ridge.

Monday, October 20, 2008

A Friend of a Friend Stopped by Today

I hung out downtown today with my interpreter friend, Jodi, and a friend of a friend who happened to be in town-- see the blond at the podium? Also, see Senator Graham apparently mesmerized by Jodi's interpretation of the situation.

Buh-bye, Hil. Thanks for stopping by!
(Vote early and often)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Carolyn's Birthday at Taverna Opa!

Saturday night we celebrated Carolyn's birthday at a Greek place on Hollywood Beach where there are tons of people, loud music and dancing on the tables! FUN!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Science Friday

Today we met with our homeschool group to learn about light and color. In the first picture you can see Brian showing us how the light passes through a prism. Second picture the kids are getting ready to see what their color wheels look like in high speed. Third picture: Patrick's color wheel blurs, but still looks like a rainbow.